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Monster Straw Toppers

With Halloween only a few days away, are you expecting ghoulish guests with sugar pangs, wings and fangs?

Dr. Frankenstein's Monster Drawing Machine, by Michael Slack

Dr. Frankenstein’s Monster Drawing Machine, by Michael Slack

Being Australian we’re doing a pre trick or treat BBQ (any excuse to fire up the old stack of bricks!) This is the craft activity we’ll have on hand for the little zombies, witches and ghost busters. Cardboard monsters on paddle pops for the kids to colour in.

Paddle pop monsters to colour inInspired by these Alisa Burke toilet roll monsters, straw toppers to keep the little monsters hydrated.

Alisa Burke toilet roll monsters

What’s happening with the aqua roll in the middle? Looks like he’s about to blow his top!

Alisa Burke inspired monster straw toppers

Pastel pencils used, coloured in by daughter.

A few of my own characters…

coloure in franky and co straw toppers

Printable Monsters

1 straw toppers

Copy, cut and colour

colouring in grey lady

Glue to straws with craft glue

frank n grey straws

Just add juice and enjoy!

eyeballs and toppers

logo_fun family crafts

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Halloween Window Display

Dancing in a red dress, out on the wiley, windy moors, Kate Bush eerily sang the haunting tale of Wuthering Heights…
Heathcliff, it’s me–Cathy.
Come home. I’m so cold!
Let me in-a-your window.

Inspired by the Emily Bronte novel and an Elena Originals Cathy Doll, I set about making a haunting Halloween window display.

cathyStarted off by sketching Cathy onto tracing paper then transferred her to brown cardboard. Used stencil knife to make a Cathy stencil.

1 draw and stencil

4 cathy stencil

Lightly glued the stencil onto a large sheet of butchers paper and made a black acrylic paint and water mix (1:10) and sprayed over the stencil. The ghost of Cathy, tormenting Heathcliff to his dying day…

6 black spraypaint cathyThe brown cardboard bled into the backing paper. Cathy was turning into a vampire!

halloween window display 2

A banner and a bunch of hanging garlic later and this is what will greet my trick or treaters this year!

halloween window display

Next post will have photos of Halloween decorations and a few how to’s. Here’s a taste..

How to make little witchy hat, click here…


1 wearing witchy hat


Paper People

Malin Koort is a Swedish illustrator, designer and artist.

Her illustrations tell stories, ‘mostly about small people and big feelings.’

These photos are a few from her ‘Paper People’ series. If a picture says more than a thousand words, what do you think is happening here?

malin koort paper collageHere are some of my suggestions….

1 Do you have it in yellow

bad dog ii

Here are a few Malin Koort paper people my daughter and I coloured in with pastels and coloured pencils…

colouring lady in pastels

Three paper people

Malin Koort inpired paper family of my in laws, for the kids to colour in whilst mum and dad are having mojitos in Manhattan! 

Family C Collage

How to…

1 instructions

Bon voyage (you lucky, lucky lady!!)

mi familia

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Rainbow Unicorn

Four months, x stitches and one baby later and it seems I really can’t do without it. Craft.

When we left for the hospital we left a gift for daughter from pending son (this seems to be the rage in sibling rivalry diversion). A rainbow unicorn waited with her, sparkling through the days and the nights whilst mum was laid up in hospital. Here’s the story behind rainbow unicorn.

unicorn CollageOnce upon a time there was a beautiful unicorn and a dangerous dinosaur.

Then a superhero came to rescue unicorn and they lived happily ever after. The end.

my two

Then there were two!

Lady Unicorn from Adventure time

If only rainbow unicorn was more like Lady Unicorn from Adventure time – all in one unicorn and superhero!