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Wool web

Growing up in Australia in the 90’s

1 growing up in the 90sAstro Boy,

Garbage bags slip n slide,


Pebble mix lined swimming pools,

Running through the sprinkler,

Pavlova, Queen Adelaide in a cask, Tang,

Swinging on the Hills Hoist,

Swinging the cat in a bucket from the hills hoist.

It’s a bit of a lemon when it comes to rhythm and rhyme. Nonetheless, it sums up the mundane little everyday things remembered from my childhood. Of all of the above, what remains ever present in my adult life is the Hills Hoist. Rusting quietly in the backyard, home to a plethora of sun bleached pegs, half a dozen spiders and the occasional kookaburra. Once in a while it blooms in colour for a short while before returning to it’s former functional self.

The men putting cookies up on the hoist for daughters Alice in Wonderland party…

cookies on the hoist2

Two years later, jungle party…

hills hoist makeover for jungle party

And now this…

2 wool web on hills hoist

Web weaving at dusk. Unfinished and hopefully kitted out in time for Halloween!



In the dead of the night

Can you hear the little children cry?

Cryin’ “Mama, mama.” Watchout!

Arghh! Zombie’s a terrible fright


Songs to spook to: C.W.Stoneking… The Zombie!

1 zombie stencilMade from sequined foam, this one’s for the front door.

5 zombie

For the letterbox drop. A heads up for the neighbours!


C.W.Stoneking is an Australian blues singer-songwriter, guitar and banjo player.

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Play School Props

The sun shines bright as the quasi tropical birds whistle an eerie tune (aka Kill Bill). The flying machine farts, grunts and whoops as the occupants on board sip milkshakes. After a soft as a pillow landing, they disembark only to re-board the ever bumpy Ninky Nonk (genius idea on a tummy full of liquid ice cream).


Yes. Welcome to the world of kids TV, where colour and content shall never meet. Fortunately, this mind numbing stimulation is peppered with something for us bleary, weary parents too: Shaun the Sheep, Small Potatoes and a big shout out to the Queen of dry humour… Nanny plum.

nanny plum

These shows come and go. Few seem to have the staying power of Play School, which has been around since my mum had pimples. Jay and Justine sing pitch perfect incy wincy with spider in hand, fashioned from bottle tops, foam, pipe cleaners, sticky tape and wool. It’s terrific, and looks pretty do-able if you’re crafty inclined.

abc for kids


playschool props

halloween spiders


Make your own play props…  http://www.abc.net.au/abcforkids/sites/playschool/makeanddo/craft/